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It is time to finally announce CamCare UK after months of work together with an international project consortium won a 331 599 EUR bid for Erasmus + project CRIS – Combating crisis situations by innovative STEM tools and entrepreneurship skills.
CamCareUK will lead the consortium of five partners from four European countries (UK, Italy, Greece and Slovenia) in this three-year project for which we were awarded funding from Erasmus + UK National Agency Erasmus+ UK.


About the project:
CRIS Project aimed to rethink and redesign the educational approach with innovative skills and a more prosocial and proactive mindset based on the 3: Crisis management, Entrepreneurial mindset, and Digital and STEM technologies (AR/VR, and 3D printing).

Thank you to Zavod VseUk (Slovenia), Tovarna.TECH (Slovenia), SYSTSERV (Greece), and CSC Danilo Dolci (Italy) such a great start of the project.
We kicked-off CRIS today and we are looking forward to great collaboration in the next three years and beyond.
Matic Golob Doroteja Maklin Shrobona Bhattacharya Sujit Bhattacharya.

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