Course: Crisis Management
Text lesson





The class watches a 3 min video presenting different types of crises (natural, manmade, socio-political, economic and personal). The video is in English. The teacher could simultaneously translate or it could be watched in English class or by opening the “Settings”, subtitles can be activated in the preferred language (available in Slovenian, Italian and Greek). The discussion can already take place while watching or after the end of the video – the teacher asks pupils to talk about whether they experienced any crises, which kind of crisis they would say that is and what the reactions were etc.


MAIN PART 1 (15 minutes):

The teacher briefly introduces a crisis from recent history that pupils should be familiar with. The suggestion is to use a case of a wildfire. An example for teacher’s use is described in the appendix.  If the teacher prefers or is familiar with another example better, he/she can replace the example of a crisis with their own.


The teacher asks pupils to work in groups 3-5 and write down all the aspects of solving the crisis. He/she can give them the following guidelines:

   What caused the crisis?

   Who are the victims of this kind of crisis? (for example: in case of a wildfire, we often forget about the animals)

   Who is involved in the crisis response (people/organizations)?

   What are their tasks and what should they do?


MAIN PART 2 (10 minutes):

The teacher guides the discussion following the above listed guidelines. Each group contributes their suggestions for each guideline. At the end teacher asks if they have some additional comments, some aspects that they haven’t discussed but could be important etc.


ASSESSMENT (10 minutes):

In the assessment, the teacher switches focus to a call for action and concludes the lesson with a brief discussion about:

   What could we do in the future to avoid such crises? What are the prevention actions?

   What can you do?





The karst fire started on 15 July 2022 and covered more than 2000 hectares of the Italian and Slovenian part of the Kras Plateau. It is the largest fire in the history of independent Slovenia. The fire is partly attributed to the sparks caused by the train’s braking, but it remains partially unexplained. Due to dry and dense vegetation, high summer temperatures and strong burje, it quickly diss mattered. Firefighting has made it difficult for hard-to-reach terrain and an unknown amount of unexploded ordnaics (NUS) from the First World War. Because of the NUS, aerial firefighting played a big role, as firefighters were unable to penetrate the interior of the fire, but were primarily able to defend the edges. The teacher can also show pupils a video, such as:

Questions for pupils and answer (teachers’ aid):

What caused the crisis?

·  The fire is partly attributed to sparks caused by the braking of the train, but partly remains unexplained.

·  Due to dry and dense vegetation, high summer temperatures and a strong storm, it quickly caught fire.

·  Additionally to the above, the most common causes of wildfires are:  

o   burning and incineration

o   throwing away cigarette butts

o   disposal of hot ash and other combustible materials

o   lightning

o   use of candles, torches, rockets, firecrackers…, petard…

Who are the victims of this kind of crisis?

Residents of the area, pets, wild animals…

Who is involved in the crisis response?


What are their tasks and what should they do?

·  Firefighters (Professional and volunteer firefighting units – extinguishing and containing fires)

·  Civil protection (taking care of logistics, food, accommodation, first aid, communication, public relations)

·  Medics (Emergency medical assistance in case of injuries)

·  Military (Air support with helicopters and airplanes)

·  Police (Air support with firefighting helicopters, helicopter with thermal imaging camera to detect fires, road closures, traffic management, water cannon)

·  Foresters (Cutting down a line/belt of trees to reduce the possibility of fire progress)


Assessment part:

What could we do in the future to avoid such crises? What are the prevention actions?

·  Take care of the surroundings of our buildings – store all combustible materials at a safe distance;

·  Remove tree branches that are near buildings, vents, and chimneys;

·  Make a fire in nature only in well-maintained fire pits and never on dry and windy days;

·  do not throw pressurized doses and other flammable substances into the fire;

·  after the fire has gone out, cover the embers with non-combustible material;

·  never throw away cigarette butts;

·  avoid parking vehicles in dry grass;

·  don’t drive cars and motorbikes in the forest;

·  don’t light fireworks in forests;

·  strictly abide by restrictions on the use of fire when there is a high fire risk declared.

What can you do?

·  You can plant new trees in place of the burned ones

·  You help those who lost their possessions in the fire by donating things (perhaps you can give away some of your clothes / toys / learning aids to children from these families)

·  Make sure that you and your loved ones follow the preventive measures that apply in the event of a fire




·       Požar na Krasu (2022). Wikipedia. Dostopno na:


Lesson materials

CRIS Crisis Management - LU 1.3 (En).docx 5 mb Download
CRIS Crisis Management - LU 1.3 (Greece).docx 6 mb Download
CRIS Crisis Management - LU 1.3 (Italy).docx 6 mb Download