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Crisis Management

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The primary goal of this module is to understand the notion of CRISIS and learn how to better manage with it.

Crisis is an unstable, negative situation where an individual, a group of individuals, or a society feels threatened. It is often associated with an unforeseen event, characterised by negative outcomes and severe, life changing consequences. The notion of these can in turn lead to insecurity, anxiety, intense fear, and helplessness often accompanied by hopelessness, panic, and denial. A crisis is always an
unwanted and unexpected situation that causes damage to people, nature, organisations, or society and requires swift and immediate actions of everyone involved.

Every one of us in life faces different problems, issues, and challenges, if not on a daily basis. They are definitely part of our lives. But it is very important to distinguish between them. Crises are something different from our personal, family or career problems/issues/challenges, and not just because they are larger in scale. Crises take control of human lives, they are characterised by change, high levels of uncertainty and complexity. Knowing the difference between problems, issues, and challenges on one side and crises on the other is very important because they require different solutions, responses and they have different characteristics. It is true that a crisis is the most threatening of all to human beings and society, but it is important to realise that any issue or problem can escalate, progress into a crisis.

In this lesson, pupils get familiar with different events from recent history that are considered major disasters and crises. They will be matching cards with a short description of crises as a warmup activity and will then, with teacher guidance, use online search tools to gather information and prepare a presentation of found information. 

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn about different types of crises from the past
  • Search for information online and in other literature (e.g. books, textbooks)
  • Learn the causes and possible solutions/counteracts of the presented crises
  • Present findings using poster presentation (*optional: Powerpoint presentations)

What is the target audience?

  • Young Students aged 12-13


Lesson 1

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Enrolled: 37 students
Duration: 5 hours
Lectures: 5
Video: 2 hours
Level: Intermediate


Crisis Management